
ASEAN Risk Awards 2022: Gala Dinner

Thank you for registering ASEAN Risk Awards 2022’s Gala Dinner. If you are interested in nominating for ASEAN Risk Awards 2022, please visit

Kindly fill in below the data of participant registering for the mentioned CRMS Indonesia program, including the Contact Person if available. Our Secretariat will proceed the registration soon after you submit this online form.

*) is mandatory field

    Title * Full Name * Company / Institution * Position * Email * Mobile * Number of Participant * Country of Origin * Participation in Gala Dinner at ASEAN Risk Awards (additional charge apply) * Data peserta dibagikan ke mitra CRMS untuk kepentingan marketing program mitra, apakah Anda setuju? *
    Participant with the data above is registering for this program. Note : 1. The price will be charged automatically become after event price if the payment are not received until the end of workshop event 2. Cancellations made before during the event will be charged administrative cost as follows: > 4-7 days before event: 50% charge of full training cost > 0-3 days before event: 100% charge of full training cost